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CCTV.com  2007年08月22日 13:48  来源:  

    Yes. Look, all these stone tablets

    and plaques


    were placed here as an expression


    of the local people's admiration

    and respect for Han Yu.

    旁白: 潮州的教育事业在韩愈的指导下

    Under the guidance of Han Yu,

    education in Chaozhou


    was put on a right track.


    In the ensuing more than

    1,000 years,


    Chaozhou has turned out a large

    number of talented people.


    Sinology Master Rao Zongyi

    was one of those


    who enjoyed international renown

    in modern times.

    韩佳: 饶宗颐先生不光是一位国学大师,

    Rao Zongyi was not just a sinologist,


    he was also very versed in

    history, archeology, literature,


    education and translation.


    He understood so many

    types of knowledge!

    韩佳: 不光是懂啊,

    He did not just understand them,


    he was also extremely

    knowledgeable in them.



    韩佳: “精通”就是指对学问、技术或者是业务

    "Jingtong" means to master,

    be proficient in,


    or know thoroughly.

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