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CCTV.com  2007年08月22日 13:48  来源:  


    旁白: 潮州有着许多的文化名人。

    Chaozhou has been home to

    many famous cultural figures.


    The most famous ones


    include Han Yu, a literary giant

    of the Tang Dynasty,


    and Rao Zongyi, a master of

    Sinology in more recent times.


    Learn Chinese the fun way and enjoy

    a happy journey across China!


    Hello there! I'm Happy Yuanyuan.

    韩佳: 我是快乐的韩佳。

    And I'm Merry Han Jia.


    Here's the famous Han Yu

    Temple in Chaozhou.


    I know something about him.


    And I can still recite a

    passage of him.

    韩佳: 哦。



    Let me have a think.


    Such as "ye jing yu qin"


    followed by "huang" something


    and "xing cheng yu" something.

    韩佳: 好了好了。别背了。

    Okay, okay. Don't recite anymore.

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