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CCTV.com  2007年08月22日 13:48  来源:  


    so as to protect the safety

    of local people.


    To commemorate his achievements,


    locals renamed this river

    the Hanjiang River.


    Oh, that's where the name

    of Hanjiang came from!

    韩佳: 对啊。



    Another important contribution

    Han Yu made to Chaozhou


    was that he actively promoted


    the local educational development.


    That must have played an

    important role


    in Chaozhou's later cultural development.

    韩佳: 说得没错儿。



    Chaozhou has produced so many

    talented people,


    to a great extent, due to

    Han Yu's efforts


    to promote the local educational



    No wonder Chaozhou residents

    built this temple!

    韩佳: 对啊。你看,这些石碑啊、匾额

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