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CCTV.com  2007年08月23日 13:22  来源:CCTV.com  

    Look, it is right this.


    This is extremely small!

    韩佳: 而且这也是手工制作的。

    And it is also handmade.


    That's impossible!


    It's so small it can hardly be

    made by hand.

    韩佳: 我可没骗你啊。

    I didn't fool you.


    This is a very special product

    of Chaozhou.


    It's called handmade red-clay teapot.


    Handmade red-clay teapot?

    韩佳: 嗯。



    Its name is so long!

    韩佳: 是啊。“手拉”就是手工制作。

    Yes. "Shou la" means handmade.


    "Zhu ni" is a type of red clay peculiar

    to Chaozhou.


    It is a raw material for

    making teapots.


    Oh yeah, I have something

    more to tell you.


    What's that?

    韩佳: 还有比这更小的茶壶呢。

    There is a teapot even smaller

    than this one.


    What, that's impossible!

    韩佳: 你看,就是它了。

    Look, it is right this one.



    韩佳: 这个小茶壶只有0.8克。

    This little teapot weighs

    only 0.8 grams.

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