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CCTV.com  2007年08月23日 13:22  来源:CCTV.com  

    I never imagined a mural can be

    also made with ceramics.

    韩佳: 是啊。潮州的陶瓷发展到今天,

    Sure. Chaozhou ceramics has

    developed to this day


    not only because it has carried

    forward traditional techniques,


    but more importantly, because it has

    never ceased making innovations.


    So ceramic objects here


    always give people a sense

    of unusualness.


    What other kinds of unusual ceramics


    can we see today?

    韩佳: 那可多了。

    Quite a lot.


    But there is no hurry.

    We'll take your time.


    Han Jia, what kind of history


    does Chaozhou ceramics have?

    韩佳: 问得好。

    Good question.


    As early as 1,000 years ago,


    ceramic making already existed

    in Chaozhou.


    The porcelain-making industry

    in Chaozhou


    developed more rapidly in

    the Song Dynasty.


    And Chaozhou was one of the major

    ceramics producers at the time.


    I never thought


    Chaozhou has such a long history

    of making ceramics.

    韩佳: 对啊。潮州的陶瓷不光历史悠久,

    Yes. Chaozhou ceramics not

    only has a long history,

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