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央视国际  2007年06月05日 11:29 来源




    旁白: 风景秀丽的武夷山,

    The scenic Wuyi Mountain


    is also known for its rich

    and widespread


    cultural connotations.


    For hundreds of years,


    this red mountain with a

    blue stream


    has attracted countless literati.


    Here they acquired inspirations

    for creativity


    and also found a tranquil home

    for their hearts.


    The most accomplished of them

    all was Zhu Xi.


    Oh, Han Jia,


    when we were at the Nine-Bend Stream,


    I heard you talk


    about Zhu Xi's poems.


    But frankly, I am not so


    familiar with him.

    韩佳: 这朱熹啊

    Zhu Xi


    was a protagonist of Confucianism

    in the Southern Song Dynasty.


    He put forward a new philosophy,


    known as Confucian idealism,


    which exerted a profound influence


    on the later development of

    Chinese culture.


    "Yingxiang" here is a noun


    that means influence, right?

    韩佳: 没错儿。“影响”呢

    Right. "Yingxiang"


    is a noun,


    which means influence on someone

    or something.


    For instance,


    this event exerted a great influence.

    Tā duì zhōngguó wénhuà de fāzhǎn yǒu zhe hěn shēn de yǐngxiǎng

    他 对 中国 文化 的 发展 有 着 很 深 的 影响。

    He had a strong influence on the development

    of Chinese culture.

    韩佳: 武夷山的五夫镇

    The town of Wufu at the foot

    of Wuyi Mountain


    was the place where Zhu Xi


    spent most of his life.


    Zhu Xi actually a native of

    Wuyi Mountain?

    韩佳: 那倒不是。

    Not exactly.


    His ancestral home was in Wuyuan

    County, Jiangxi Province.


    Look, in order to show that he

    didn't forget his hometown,


    he named the place here


    after Ziyang Mountain in Wuyuan.


    Oh, I see.


    How long did Zhu Xi live at

    Wuyi Mountain?

    韩佳: 据说有五十多年吧。

    It is said to be more than

    50 years.


    He completed many of his


    major written works here.

    旁白: 在五夫镇上,

    Here in Wufu,


    there are still bits and pieces

    left from the past


    displaying the glory they

    once enjoyed,


    Zhu Xi's philosophical theory


    budded and developed here

    before spreading to other areas,


    leaving behind


    many cultural relics and stories

    as well.


    For instance, there is a

    story behind the Half-Mu


    Pool in front of Ziyang Tower.


    But it looks quite ordinary.

    韩佳: 你要说它普通可就不对了。

    You are wrong if you think

    it is ordinary.


    "Putong" is an adjective,


    which means normal or average.


    So "putong" is an adjective


    that means normal or average.

    Zhè kě bú shi ge pǔtōng de shuǐtáng

    这 可 不 是 个 普通 的 水塘。

    This is no ordinary pool.

    韩佳: 别看这半亩方塘现在已经干枯了,

    Although this pool has dried up,


    it was a much bigger pool


    in the past.


    It is said that when Zhu Xi

    read a book here,


    he noticed the clear pool.


    Touched by the sight,


    he wrote the very famous poem,


    Reflections on Reading.


    I remember two lines of the poem.


    "How can it be so clear

    and cool?


    Because water comes fresh

    from its source."




    this is the Wuyi Academy

    of Classical Learning.


    It was founded by Zhu Xi in 1183.


    Later he enrolled


    large numbers of students here


    and trained many talented people.


    At the same time,


    he also wrote a great number of

    books on Confucian idealism.


    "Pi" here is a measure word


    that means a batch, lot, or group.


    It can be used for groups of

    people or things.

    韩佳: 嗯,“批”是个量词,

    Yes, "pi" is a measure word,


    which we use pretty often.


    Normally, it refers to a

    large amount of goods


    or a large group of people.

    For example ...


    For example, a batch of stationery,


    a batch of supplies, a groups

    of volunteers.

    韩佳: 这些例子都举得不错哦。

    These are all very nice examples.




    Then let's hurry and go

    in for a look.

    韩佳: 嗯。



    Yuanyuan, here on display are

    mainly Zhu Xi's biography


    and some of the achievements

    he made


    when he was living at

    Wuyi Mountain.


    After I saw these exhibits,


    I found Zhu Xi made great achievements


    in many areas.

    韩佳: 对啊。



    He wrote many books.


    According to statistics, throughout

    his life,


    he wrote 739 books in 81 fields


    totaling 8 millions characters.


    These books cover such fields

    as literature, philosophy,


    history, economics, education


    and ethics.


    That's amazing!


    I think if I lived in his time,


    I would definitely come all

    the way to China


    and learn from him as

    a teacher.

    韩佳: 哦,那你现在就有个机会哦。

    Oh, you have a chance

    right now.


    Yes indeed.

    韩佳: 嗯。



    Audience friends,


    as a good student,


    how should I be absent


    when a teacher is giving

    a lesson?

    韩佳: 那他去上课了。

    He has gone to class.


    Now let's take a look


    at today's Feast for the Eyes.


    We'll be right back.



    Zhu Xi was closely connected with

    Wuyi Mountain.

    朱子理学在这里孕育 形成和发展

    His Idealistic Confucianism was conceived,

    took shape and developed here.

    朱熹在武夷山从学 著述 传教近五十年

    Zhu Xi spent 50 years at Wuyi Mountain

    teaching, writing and preaching.


    He founded the influential Wuyi Academy

    of Classical Learning.


    The numerous cultural relics preserved here


    are valuable historical witnesses.


    They are the essence of Wuyi culture


    as well as gems of traditional Chinese culture.

    韩佳: 渊源,你不是在上课嘛?

    Yuanyuan, were you attending class?


    Why did you come here?


    Somebody told me


    there is a very rare and precious

    tombstone here.


    Yeah, that's it, the Tombstone

    of Liu Ziyu.

    韩佳: 消息还挺灵通啊!

    You seem well informed!


    Do you know why it's rare

    and precious?


    No, I don't. Why?

    韩佳: 这块儿刘公神道碑啊

    The Tombstone of Liu Ziyu


    was set up and inscribed

    by Zhu Xi


    in honor of his adoptive

    father Liu Ziyu,


    a patriotic general in the Southern

    Song Dynasty.


    The inscription consists of

    3700 characters.


    Though parts of the inscription

    have been damaged,


    it still keeps much of


    Zhu Xi's handwriting.


    It is indeed rare and precious!

    韩佳: 对啊。好了,

    Yes. Well,


    we shouldn't pay attention

    only to the tombstone.


    Would you please set


    today's award-winning question

    for our audience?


    Sure. Listen carefully.


    Here's today's award-winning question.





    our program has come to an

    end here.


    We hope you have learned something


    in these short ten minutes.

    韩佳: 当然了,

    Of course,


    we also hope you would continue

    to tune in


    to CCTV's Chinese International Channel

    tomorrow at the same time


    and join Yuanyuan and me


    for the Happy Journey across China.


    And don't forget our slogan.

    合: 学说中国话,朋友遍天下!

    Learn Chinese and make friends everywhere!

    韩佳: 明天见。

    See you tomorrow.


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