《【外国人眼中的中国】马丁·雅克:中国共产党领导中国完成了 一场卓越的转型》参评推荐表

来源:央视网 | 2021年05月07日 08:39
央视网 | 2021年05月07日 08:39





  马丁: 很显然,在很长一段时间内,中国共产党领导中国完成了一场卓越的转型。当然,自1949年以来,有好的时期,也有不好的时期。但可以肯定的是,自1978年邓小平领导的改革开放以来,中国开始了,在我看来,可以说是人类历史上最引人注目的经济转型。这样的转型过程在过去几十年持续进行。在某些方面,中国现在确实是一个非常现代化的国家。与此同时,我所说的现代化不仅仅是在经济层面,尽管这可能是一个首要问题。但是你可以看到,在大学教育、社会结构、社会稳定、减少贫困,尤其是在减少贫困方面,中国都做得非常好。







  Interview With Professor Martin Jacques


  First of all, professor Jacques. Thank you so much for taking this interview. I missed a chance interviewing you at the world internet conference. But finally here you are. Thank you so much. Can you talk about how would you evaluate China's development and the leadership of CPC in the past decades?

  Professor Jacques:

  I think that clearly taking it over a longer period than that, the CPC has been responsible for leading China in a remarkable transformation. Of course, there have been good periods and bad periods since 1949. But certainly since 1978, and the beginning of the reform period, led by Deng Xiaoping. The country began, I would argue the most remarkable economic transformation in human history. And that process has continued over the last. What should we say? Decade. And China is now really in some respects a very modern country. I mean, well, of course, modernization is not just an economic question, even though that is probably the lead question. But you can see across the board in areas like university education, social structure, social stability, reduction of poverty, most extraordinary reduction of poverty, China has done it extremely well.


  Any particular aspects that impress you the most?

  Professor Jacques:

  I think the two most impressive things China's done in that period since 1978, economic growth and the reduction of poverty. I mean let’s talk about the reduction of poverty, reduced poverty by about 850 million to the point where it's on the verge of eliminating poverty as according to the criteria that's used. And this is fantastic. This is that China has been responsible for the majority of the reduction of poverty in the world over this period. This is fantastic. And the Chinese government deserves huge credit for this achievement.


  Now I wanna talk about the pandemic which is sweeping across the world, but China has achieved initial success in the fight of Covid-19. And as you mentioned earlier that China's institutional advantage actually plays a very important role. Do you think China's proposals or experience have any significance for other countries, especially for the developing countries?

  Professor Jacques:

  Once China got that, once China was clear what the threat was from Covid-19, which was mid late January, then the Chinese performance in relationship to it was remarkable. And the key was Wuhan and Hubei province and China took drastic measures to try to get hold of it.And I think that if you look globally now.I mean, you know China clearly have done in the face of very difficult problem. And it was the first country to face these challenges. China did extremely well.How much the west has learned from it? I think this is very disappointing. It varies from one country to another.For example, the first country that was hits in Europe was Italy. The Italians were quite clear that they needed to learn from China. But there is Britain, my own country. It doesn't really fall into that category, because, the scientists were good,but the politicians and the media by this point, were become so kind of China-phobic.They tried not to talk about or mention it or refer to it or learn from it. China did very well, the east Asian countries, particularly the cynic countries, by and large, all have all done very well.


  And the world is changing so fast and the whole international environment is not very easy for China nowadays. What challenges do you think is the most urgent for China to deal with in the future and how can China better respond to it?

  Professor Jacques:

  The emergence of China as a major power in the world is still a new story in historical terms. It's extremely recent. So what should China concentrate on, I think the first thing is its own development, that is very important, which is its economic growth. So economic growth because though Chinese living standards have improved a great deal, there's still a lot of people who are not doing so well in China. One question here, I think it's a rising question. You know China has done fantasticly on poverty, but it's still a very unequal country. So I would like to hear China saying more about inequality. I think China is moving into a very difficult period. It has to find a way of handling it. And that’s still very much on China's mind and will continue to me. And what its priorities are in international relations. Then there are other questions, which is, for example, China's relationship with Europe. I think China needs to give some more attention to this. I think now, the time is becoming appropriate for China to come up with some new ideas to deal with the new context. Remember, all those previous ideas were in the previous context before America broke with China. And China's position in the world has got stronger in that all sorts of ways. So the question is, what are the new ideas that China needs to develop to deal with this situation.

编辑:邢斯馨 责任编辑:刘亮
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