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曹 禺

  北京人民艺术剧院院长。原名万家宝,湖北潜江人,1911年出生于天津,15岁时参加南开新剧团,主演过易卜生、莫里哀、共深、丁西林、田汉等人的作品。1933年于清华大学毕业前,发表处女作 《雷雨》。这部作品奠定了他在现代中国话剧史上的地位,迎来了现代戏剧的一个新天地。之后,他连续写 出了《日出》、《原野》、《北京人》、《蜕变》、《家》等名剧,并长期在国立剧专从事戏剧教育活动。 新中国成立后,他创作了现代剧《明朗的天》和历史剧《胆剑篇》、《王昭君》,这些戏均由北京人艺首演。

  曹禺是中国最负盛名的剧作家,他把自己的一生都贡献给了中国的戏剧事业。在他众多的社会职务中, 他付出最多心血的,也是他最热爱的,乃是北京人民艺术剧院院长这一职务。四十年里,北京人艺曾前后十 三次排演了他的八部作品,总计演出近千场。曹禺的作品培养了人艺一代又一代的导演、演员、舞台美术工 作者,也培养了人艺一代又一代的观众。曹禺不仅以其作品的现实主义艺术威力领导了人艺,推动了人艺艺术风格的形成和发展,而且在剧院的艺术建设、剧目建设和人才培养等各方面都给予了有力的指导。剧院在 他的领导下,为中国人民的戏剧事业作出了有益的贡献。

  Cao Yu is the president of the Beijing People's Art Theatre. Born in 1911 in Tianjin, he was originally known as Wan Jiabao. His ancestral home was in Qianjiang, Hubei Province. At the age of 15, Cao joined the Nankai Middle School. New Drama Ensemble as an actor and starred in works by Ibsen, Moliere, Hong Shen, Ding Xilin and Tian Han. In 1933, he published his milestone maiden work "Thunderstorm" at Qinghua University, which consolidated his position on the stage of Chinese drama and opened a new chapter in modern drama. Afterwards, Cao successfully wrote "Sunrise", "Wilderness", "Peking Man", "Transmtation" and "Family". Meanwhile, he taught at the Central Drama School.

  After 1949 Cao wrote "Sunny Skies", a play dealing with burning issues of the time, as well as historical plays "The Sword and the gall bladder" and word as "Wand Zhaojun". All of them debuted at the Beijing People's Art Theatre.

  Cao Yu is China's most prominent dramatist, who has dedicated himself to the cause of Chinese theatre. Among the many positions he holds, the president of the Beijing People's Art Theatre is the position to which Cao gives most devotion and love.

  In the past 40 years, the Beijing People's Art Theatre has staged eight of Cao's works 13 times, totalling nearly 1,000 performances. His works have nurtured directors, actors and actresses, stage artists and technicians and audiences generation after generation.

  Cao is not only the leader of the theatre with his works permeated with the beauty of realism, but also the chief architect of artistic construction, script, and training of actors and actresses at the theatre, the Beijing People's Art theatre has contributed a lot to Chinese dramas under his leadership. (资料来源:人艺网站)

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